Attestor Forensics


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Attestor Forensics PHOTOvent

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selfcontained downdraft filter workstation for fingerprint powder application

For the application of fingerprint powders and evidence staining chemicals, forensic experts are equipped with special instruments like vented cupboards or fume hoods. For the subsequent photographic documentation of the evidence suitable safety equipment is often missing.

With PHOTOvent Attestor Forensics offers two sizes of modern downdraft filter workstations, especially designed for safe evidence photography.

Key advantages include:

Stainless steel working surface
The working surface of PHOTOvent is made from premium quality stainless steel and is designed frame- and seamless to make cleaning an easy job.

Two stage filter system
A combination of a pre-filter mat and a fine particulate filter cassette H13 (HEPA) are located below the working surface and can be easily replaced by the user without any tools.

Height adjustable table and camera arm
PHOTOvent allows motorized positioning of the camera via a cable remote control with coarse and high accurate fine positioning with an accuracy of approx. 0.3 mm. The accessories shelve with the integrated power outlets moves up and down with the camera arm to avoide blockages by cables or light guides. Also the working surface can be adjusted in height to accommodate different size of evidence while working in ergonomic position.

Two models available
The system is available as PHOTOvent LH151-L(picture top) in a large and as PHOTOvent LH151-S (picture bottom) in a smaller version.

 The system is suitable for any form of conventional or specialized evidence photography system as the Foster + Freeman DCS or Crime-lite Imager or our own Evidence viewing system LABview.

FinnProtec Oy
Kilonkallio 3B, FI-02610 Espoo
Tel: +358 9 554 334
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